Project management

Managing Firm Projects

Firms face many challenges each year which involve the support of various professionals inside and outside of the firm. In order to successfully accomplish goals, we manage all of these resources, coordinate timing and set realistic and achievable timeframes so that partners can have confidence in the team that supports them. By working with us, shareholders can focus their attention on other things such as winning cases and business development.

Firm Relocation Services

We take the stress out of relocating your office to a new site. Relocation is one of the biggest challenges that firms face. Unfortunately, many firms stick with poor site renewals rather than face these challenges. We negotiate great rates, construction and design contracts and then we coordinate the entire move effort from technology to physical space moves. We also work with the marketing effort to make sure clients and outside counsel know about our new office space. Many times, we can increase the square footage of your office, while reducing monthly expenses.

Technology Improvements

Every firm needs to address technology needs as it grows and changes. This may include acquiring a new email system, phone system, billing system, ediscovery system, conflicts of interest system, document management or more. Our company looks at various vendors in the space and selects and negotiates the best fit for your law firm. Then we put our team to work to help manage the project from beginning to end so that it is implemented properly and used by the staff with confidence.